
Ping Pong-Playing Obama Faces The Wrath Of A Photoshop Battle

Make America edit again.

When it comes to Photoshop Battles, no one is safe. Not even the former President of the United States – Barack Obama. What may have started as a simple ping pong tournament evolved into a battle of huge proportions. People spent hours collectively, ensuring that their edits were as perfect as possible. At the end, there could be only one winner. Well, technically there isn’t really a winner, it’s just whoever gets the most up votes. But with that in mind, let’s take a look at the top submissions.

Here’s the original image…

Ping Pong Playin’ President from r/photoshopbattles

Yes, it is pretty hilarious. So fair play to the Redditors for submitting it in the first place. You know that a lot of fun was had with this.

And here’s the top submissions…

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur

Okay so the secretary one is probably a tiny bit inappropriate, but we’ll go with it. I’m sure the main man himself wouldn’t be that arsed about his likeness in such a compromising position. To be completely fair, he wouldn’t be the first president to find himself in such a situation.

God bless Reddit. Keep up the good work.

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